This month's Top TEFL blogs!

It's that time of month again. Here's this month's top TEFL blogs.

TEFL in Cambodia
Photo by sachman75
Thinking of TEFLing in Cambodia?
Then have a look at CJ's latest blog on Love Tefl where she talks about the Monsoon Season and handling illness overseas.

Degree, or no degree?
That is the million dollar question,and Alex Case has the answer. Check out his latest blog titled Do you really need a degree to TEFL? Personally I think it's a bit harsh that most places demand a degree, surely it's not the be all and end all, but I suppose it does show a certain level of intelligence?

How do you say potato?
This is an interesting way of showing your students the variety of accents in the UK and Ireland. Have a look at David Crystal's latest blog on saying potato. You can leave your own version as well.

Are Americans strange?
No comment, but you have to admit that some of their idioms are. Check out this article on Matador Network titled The 7 strangest American Idioms, it will knock your socks off.

What makes an effective English teacher?
Apart from the ability to clown around and play pictionary in the last 5 minutes of class? Well, have a look at this article on Education Week  about finding the best English teacher.

That's all for this month.

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